Stuff About Contacting Me

If you’re interested in having me speak at an event or write for your publication you can email me at

Also, if you would like me to speak at your church, conference, or retreat you should note that I currently live in the Greater Chicago area and would have to travel from there.

12 thoughts on “Stuff About Contacting Me

  1. I Am Not Abraham’s Mistake – I saw the article at Gospel coalition website, read it and was convicted. I appreciate what you are saying and I will by God’s grace change my terminology and disposition about this. I still know Abraham sinned in the conception of Ishmael but as you said I would oppose calling any children illegitimate. I was thinking too The Bible doesn’t even mention Bathsheba in the lineage of Christ and we would never call that a “mistake”!! You made excellent points and I ask my Arab brothers, you too, to forgive me for thoughtless and insensitive speech. You blessed me! Hopefully I am changed a little more to be like Christ. I never heard of you before but will check out your stuff and page on occasion. I, your Caucasian brother in Christ, thank you for helping me to love my Arab friends and brothers better!
    Pastor J. Michael Jarrell

  2. I like the down to earth feel of your blog. Your journey into the Reformed stream via APU captures my attention. There’s something quite humorous about that in a good way. It’s not the typical path. I’m exploring seminary at the moment due to scholarly and pastoral interests in that order. Like you, I’m new to studying the Reformed faith. I’m drawn to the Reformed Baptist stream with such men as John Gill, Charles Spurgeon, and Augustus Strong.

      • Good question …In a perfect world, I’d consider and visit only two places: SBTS and WTS. Because I don’t live in a perfect world, I’m looking at Westminster Seminary in Escondido, Talbot (much closer by car) and MacArthur’s seminary. We’ll see. Many have pushed me to explore Fuller and APU, but those places don’t hold to inerrancy, which is a deal breaker.

  3. Howdy, I’d like ask you a question or two in regards to a tweet you posted about a break up letter to Matt Walsh, but not sure if this is the right place to do it.? Thanks

  4. Another elder at our church pointed me to your writing. Sense that time, I’ve been following your posts on places like TGC and Mere Orthodoxy (great one there on the characteristics of progressives), but I’ve never subscribed to you blog… until just now! Looking forward to getting the posts fresh out of the oven. Thanks, Derek.

  5. Hey Derek! Big fan of your blog! I’ve definitely been challenged, stretched, pushed in my thinking. You’ve actually help inspire me to start thinking about having my own blog. So if you have any advice, I would love to hear it! Thanks so much!


  6. Really? “Anteaters”?? Seriously, sounds like a wonderful opportunity, and that God really has “threaded the needle”. And the same God who threaded that needle will strengthen you to accomplish the big tasks before you — dissertation, campus ministry leadership, ordination. Remember in the press of it all that Job 1 is to love your wife as Christ loved the church. Prayed for you toward that end this morning.

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